In Memory of Clarence Joe Lagasse lost to Agent Orange in 2015.
Clarence Joe Lagasse enlisted in the Army at the age of 17.
He was a wireman for the 6th Battalion, 10th Field Artillery.
Joe spent 4 years in the Army.
He was one of the front lineman during the Vietnam War and on the ground when it was sprayed with Agent Orange.
After 4 years Joe came home but not the same man he was before the war.
He came home with many demons but still did his best to be a good father and husband.
In the end the demons caused his life to spin out of control.
The Agent Orange demons caused his death on July 27, 2015.
Joe was buried at the Brigadier General William C. Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery.
Our dad is love and missed. He will always be in our hearts.
Kara Bernhart