In Memory of Steven J. Meyers lost to Agent Orange in 2012
My father, Sgt. Steven J Meyers US Army Vietnam as Sgt E-5. He received the Army commendation medal, good conduct medal, Vietnam service medal, National Defense service medal and the Vietnam campaign metal.
We lost him 04/02/2012 to Multiple Myeloma due to exposure while serving the country he loved.
My father was diagnosed in 2003 with Multiple Myeloma Cancer. He underwent a stem cell transplant and chemotherapy twice between being diagnosed and his passing April 2nd, 2012.
My father was a fighter like none other and never gave up hope. He will always be my hero. My father taught me bravery, honor, courage and strength. He was my best friend.
My mother and father were married for 40 years. My husband was able to ask him for my hand in marriage. We were engaged in Feb 2012 and married Dec 2012. My father was there in spirit.
I think about my father all of the time. My heart hurts a lot. We love and miss him very much.
Sarah Meyers Sobczak