Del Hobbs

In Memory of Del Hobbs lost to Agent Orange in 1992.

In Memory of Del Hobbs lost to Agent Orange in 1992.

Del was an engineering officer in the United States Navy SeaBees, MCB11, out of Port Hueneme, Ca. In 1969 he was stationed at Camp Evans just south of Hue in Vietnam.

While there he earned the Navy Achievement medal for his work with his battalion building and repairing roads for the Vietnamese people.

Del died very young, at age 48, from non-hodgkins-lymphorma and his doctors attrubuted his cancer to Agent Orange.

He died on November 3, 1992, leaving behind his wife and 3 young children.

After his active duty he went on to serve in the reserves where he retired as a Commander in June 1992. As a civilian he was an architect whose legacy lives on in many of the buildings around the local area.

Del was inducted into the “Memory” program at The Wall June 14, 2012.

He may be gone but he is not forgotten. Sheila McCamant Hobbs

Remembering my father, CDR Del Hobbs, USNR. Mar. 16, 1944 – Nov. 3, 1992. Seabees Can Do!

Aimee Hobbs Kamla