In Memory of Joseph Kraus Jr. lost to Agent Orange 2013.
Joseph Kraus Jr. was in the United States Army and enlisted willing in 1966.
Joseph served a tour of duty that took him all over Vietnam for 3 1/2 years.
While in Vietnam he was exposed to Agent Orange.
I took care of my dad the last 8 years of his life. Joseph died July 27, 2013 of Lymphoma due to Agent Orange.
I miss him more that words can say. I try to think of words to describe him and my mind is flooded.
I am almost overwhelmed; words like father, grandfather, son, brother, godfather, uncle, cousin, role model and friend.
He was brave, honest, kind, gentle, caring, loving, and strong.
He is the 1st man I ever loved. He is the first man to show me love.
I’m a very lucky girl to have such a great man in my life.
I am even luckier to have had such a great man as my daddy and friend.
He is my HERO!
Sarah Kraus, loving daughter