Larry Holbrook Sr.

In Memory of Larry W. Holbrook Sr. lost to Agent Orange in 2015.

In Memory of Larry W. Holbrook Sr. lost to Agent Orange in 2015.

I would like to share my father’s story. His name was Larry W. Holbrook Sr. He proudly served his country in the United States Army and was awarded a combat infantry badge from serving in the 1st Cavalry in Vietnam.

My Dad fought a long hard battle with Agent Orange. Dad was unable to walk by 2003 and he eventually became bed ridden to where he was no longer mobile.

But his mind was clearly there and he could talk to us.

On October 11, 2015 Dad lost his battle after Agent Orange took a toll on his breathing and his organs shut down.

I was blessed with the opportunity to hold his hand up to his last breath.

I am glad that you all have a page dedicated to Agent Orange.

Alayna Marie Holbrook-Sanchez