In Memory of Gary H. Hackworth (Ret.) lost to Agent Orange in 2018.
Gary H. Hackworth (Ret) proudly served in 2 branches of the military. He served in the United States Air Force 1966-1970 and in the United States Navy 1976-1993. He was stationed in Vietnam 1966-1968.
Gary passed away September 6, 2018 from Agent Orange related lung cancer.
My dad was a very proud American and loved the honor he brought with his service. He flew, wore, displayed and loved the American flag and the emblem of our nation, the bald eagle.
Gary was grateful to serve his country even though it took his life years later. He suffered many ailments throughout his life due to Agent Orange. He had to fight long and hard to earn his disability benefits for years and finally was approved 100% disabled veteran in 2015.
I hope that if you see veterans or member of the armed forces, you take the time to shake their hand and say thank you for your service like Dad did every time he saw them in public. He was my best friend and was married to my mom for 48 years who he adored and cherished. He wrote her a daily letter while in Vietnam and married her when he came home.
Heather Hackworth Taylor