In Memory of Donald Norris lost to Agent Orange in 2014.
The best daddy in the world, Donald Norris, who served in Vietnam 1968-1969, in the Army, passed away October 1st 2014, from complications due to Agent Orange Exposure.
He was rated by the VA as 100% disabled and service connected. He suffered through three bouts with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma which was first found 27 years ago in Stage 4.
Although he was 10 years in remission when he passed, the chemo had done irreparable damage to his body making him unable to walk, and wheelchair and eventually homebound.
He also had Neuropathy, Cushing’s Disease and was in the beginning stages of Parkinson’s Disease. He had Chronic COPD & Emphysema which along with his already weak heart, led to his death at age 67 of Acute Respiratory Failure and Congestive Heart Failure.
All the while, he always had a smile on his face, and he was my heart.
The world shines a lot less brighter without you dad, but as long as I speak your name and remember u every day, you will truly never die.
RIP-Your daughter,
Anderson John-Donna