In Memory of Fred H. Richmond III lost to Agent Orange in 2005.
I lost my husband and HERO, Fred H. Richmond III, Retired USN Corpsman, in 2005. His cancer was from exposure to Agent Orange in 1969, while serving in Vietnam. Fred served in Vietnam in ’69.
Fred saved countless lives in Vietnam while serving with the 3rd Marine Division. He served as a Hospital Corpsman with the United States Navy from 1958 – 1978, he was honorably discharged and transferred to the Fleet Reserve until 1988 receiving his full retirement certificate. 13 years of the 20 were served attached to the Marines.
He served in Vietnam in ’69. Like so many others who never got the Hero’s welcome home, Fred truly was my HERO. I thanked him daily for his service to your country.
He gave his life for this country, as thousands before him have.
Fred died on January 26th 2005, of cancer, exposure to agent orange was a contributing factor.
Not a day goes by that I don’t miss my HERO.
Crystal Richmond
Home Town
Knoxville, Tennessee
July 24, 1939 – January 26, 2005