In Memory of Peter Brown lost to Agent Orange in 2014.
This is my husband, Peter Brown, USMC. He passed away two months ago today (originial post October 18, 2014) on August 18 from Agent Orange.
He enlisted in the Marines when he was 18 yrs old and served in the jungles of North Vietnam in 1969-70….Agent Orange was sprayed directly overhead every day for seven months.
Two days before his death we received a call from Honor Flight telling him that he was chosen to go on the Honor Flight October 29.
After he died, Honor Flight contacted me and offered to take the flag that was given to me at his funeral on the trip as a symbol of him going. I was honored that they are willing to do that.
Other Vietnam veterans that will be going will carry his flag to the different monuments and take pictures for me and then will present his flag back to me when they return that night.
Conni Urbanski-brown